Thursday, June 17, 2010

Another Side of Cape Town

On Thursdays a team of us from VOX go to Scalabrini, one of the local food kitchens, to meet with some of the homeless people who eat there. Our goal is just to show these people love and to offer them hope.

Time and time again after talking to the women at the Scalabrini I see people with genuinely good hearts who for one reason or another have ended up on the streets. For some the streets are a way of life, the only way they know how to survive. For others the streets are a stopping ground and hopefully the low point on the way to something better.

Their stories are varied. Caroline and Ruana have been on the streets together for over 20 years. Marta is a women with a wonderful voice who dreams of being an opera singer. Bolina has a scattered past but hopes to find work and a way to provide for herself. Elsbie left home because of abusive guardians and at 52 has has made the streets her home.

Last week, after I commented on how lovely Ruana's bracelet was, she took it off and gave it to me. It's crazy how someone with so little is still willing to give so graciously. I told her the bracelet would remind me to pray for her.

Please pray for these women. Pray for their safety. Pray that they would be provided with food, clothing and shelter. Above all pray that they would find hope in Christ and that they would find a way off the streets.

Random Story:

Today at the shelter Marta asked how old I was. I told her 25 and then all around me there were quite gasping noises and a loud, "I told you so." Turns out there was an argument between Marta and a few others about whether or not I was a child.


  1. Rachel-- I enjoy your posts so much! I will be praying for you and these women that you come across. Love the random story! Miss you!

  2. Thanks for Sharing!! if it makes you feel better - there was debate at Rachel's office today over how incredibly tall you are- her coworker Josh saw the picture of the two of you at the Twins game and didn't realize you were standing on a chair...
